Track Day
This Thursday February 1st we’ll be taking it to the kart track at Sonoma kart track. Join us for some full throttle action on the track. Expect it to be warm so bring shade, beverages, snacks/lunch, and other supplies.
Prep the track bikes, get the chains lubed up, the tires checked, and get that riding gear ready. Smaller (50~85cc) two stroke replicas like the Derbi GPR, and the Aprilia RS50 are very much encouraged. Fast mopeds, pocket bikes, Groms and such are okay!
Meet up Thursday February 1st
The track is open from 10am to 5pm. Open track, ride for $25-$40.
If you still don’t have a Replica Racer contact us, and lets find one for you. If you still haven’t gotten your Replica Racer ready lets get on that, we can help you!
Ride Report
What a fantastic first track day of the year. Weather like this in February? Rob D, Joe, MT Mike, and I made it up to Sonoma for a beautiful day of Replicas at the kart track. The fours of us with a few karts, and absolutely no assholes on motards. It was great!
First though as our first track day of the year, and there was much sorting to be had. Rob D has picked up an RS50 which needed a fair amount of work. With Joe’s help they had sorted out most things to prep the bike for the track, but there was still the issue of it running backwards. Turns out the previous owner had improperly installed the stator, and sheared the woodruff key—thus getting the timing way off. Of course we didn’t have the proper tools the fix this, but since I’m a firm believer in knowing unorthodox techniques we were able to prevail.
Mike’s GPR needed a band-aid, or maybe a fork diaper because he didn’t have time to address the leaky seal. His RS had an issue with the shift linkage, and my bike needed some carb tuning. Because I was busy fixing up all of the bikes I only got three sessions in. Still they were super fun, and everyone else had a great time with Mike getting in five or six sessions.
Not much in the way of photos although there are some fun ones.